After the confusion and uncertainty that ensued over the green blob I discussed last week, we decided that I should focus on getting an initial release created of the code I've been working on. By the end of the day yesterday I had it built and tested and sent out the installer and release notes to the team. It feels really good to have now actually delivered something. Even thought it's just an internal release, it feels good knowing that the things I've been working on are actually going to get used. Actually it feels great because every time I hear my boss telling someone what the software does now they get really excited about it. So that is cool!
Now we'll just wait and see what kind of bugs and things I've missed come out of this. That's the flip-side to the "Yay, someone is using my code!" excitement ... it's the "Oh man, someone is using my code and finding all sorts of things I need to change." sort of feeling. We'll see how it goes. :)