Monday, December 10, 2007

I knew this would happen

One thing that I've learned about myself over the years is that I have a difficult time staying committed to projects. I often get pretty interested in a particular idea or project and start in on it all gung-ho and within a time period as short as a week or up to a couple of months my energy will fizzle out until the thing finally drops off my radar as if it never existed.

I intend not to let that happen with my blogging efforts because I find that it really helps me when I can put my thoughts down into words and, shocking to me as it's been, I've actually heard people read and comment on what I've written. However, there has definitely been a downturn in the number of posts over the last month. Now I agree there's nothing more boring than someone blogging about their blogging, but I will say that I can see why the change in my posting habits has occurred.

I don't think it's due to a loss of interest, but rather a change in the way I perceive my situation. I've been at my new job for close to 3 months now and I think things are becoming routine and familiar. There isn't quite as much going on that really gives me an idea of something interesting to think/write about. And I'm not a person to just talk about trivial things just to hear my own voice. So that just means that topics I think are worthy of writing about are coming in longer intervals.

So, if you're reading this, thanks! I'm not giving up on the blog, but simply acknowledging that it's going to be going at a slower pace than it has in the past.

And that will be the last blog post about my blog posts. :)